Maple Tea
Maple Tea is a deep-tasting black tea that conjures up feelings of comfort and contentedness, akin to a sunny fall afternoon cuddled with a cozy blanket, holding a warm cup of tea & a good book! We enjoy it hot or iced, perhaps with a splash of milk and sugar but know that it is just as good on its' own or paired with local honey or Maple Syrup of course!
All of our teas are sourced from the world's finest Luxury, Premium & Organic farms. Most are grown at high altitude on organic family-owned farms. Not only are we interested in quality, we are also interested in ethically sourced and sustainable grown teas.
Did you know that conventional teas and even teabags themselves can harbor a decently high toxic load? Yikes, let's not put microplastics and endocrine disrupting chemicals into our daily cup. Loose leaf teas poured through high grade stainless steel infusers and strainers are certainly the way to go, which is why we proudly source our loose leaf teas and accessories from ONLY the world's most respected tea and herb suppliers.
Teacups UP! Cheers!!